The planning of major and recurring events with increased potential for danger,
from soccer matches to the annual Christmas market, is a major challenge for operation planners – in terms of time schedule coordination as well as workforce planning and management.


metropolyNEO itself can of course be used during the planning phase to structure operations (‘graphical command’), prepare the situation report, collect information and make it available centrally.

The new e-cal module, however, offers a wide range of additional incident planning features:

The chronological sequence and dependency of tasks/operation sections as well as the necessary deployment of forces can be planned in a phase diagram; from demand, request and reservation through to force and resource availability. From individual officers to large units comprising hundred-strong teams of responders, treatment stations or special forces.

And, once again, metropolyNEO is not used as a standalone solution, but fully integrated with the other modules, especially the e-lan module’s organization chart view.

Incident planning is optimally supported by the overviews of the new incident calendar, which show the summarized workforce requirements from all parallel or overlapping situations as well as an automatic calculation of the additional forces required.